Monday, June 14, 2010

This Cake is Oily

Well I am seeing the inevitable call from friends and family that we should start boycotting BP because of the oil eruption....

I am wondering what exactly that is meant to help? Will it save a duck? Bring down the prices of seafood? (which were rising already) I am also wondering if it is possible that the loudest voice in this call is a stock holder in EXXON....?

So...ya boycott you stop buying gas?...well don't. You need it.....and as long as you need it they will drill for it. Well guess what...shit happens. It is very likely that a small group of people who are employed at BP somehow made a mistake or a series of mistakes that lead to this. I am wondering how many of the innocent workers worldwide you are going to put out of work in your boycott....that'll be helpful I guess....wait helpful at all.

Although I don't believe that this "should" be a taxpayer problem....I do believe that our tax dollars have gone to many less worthwhile causes that I agreed with far less....

This week I heard that our administration told BP they needed to speed this up "or else"....or else what?....That would be like telling FEMA that New Orleans is not recovering fast enough. Do people not know what things like accidents...and beyond our control... are?

Regardless of what some people believe we still experience new things in the world, and we still have to learn how to handle new events. Why are we willing to punish someone for not having a crystal ball? Where is the point where we realize that we have given control of our lives over to other people and therefor only have ourselves to blame when they screw up our life?

If we're looking for someone to blame...blame ourselves. There are many many safer drilling alternatives than offshore drilling. It is so much easier to handle an accident that happens on dry land. But you did not want that did ya? nope.....that would affect a bird or something...

Our friends in Canada will drill straight through a moose if there is oil underneath it.....and guess who they sell that oil to?...Yup...US...Canada is Americas number 1 oil provider. Contrary to what people tell you...we do NOT get our oil from the middle east. Actually the middle east provides oil to most everyone BUT us. Including to those who we tend to think of as our "enemies". That's where Canada gets enough money to buy all those medicines they give to their people.

If you want to hurt the oil companies...then buy a bike and ride it more...make your kid do the same thing. Stop feeling like you need to take a family drive every freaking holiday and push the prices up. Stop feeding their greed with your compulsions. Stop looking for someone to punish for your addiction.

Stop trying to have your cake and eat it too.